Resources/Health Info

My diagnoses are Bell's palsy (recovered), Sleep apnea, ADHD, and Chrinic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome (which includes orthostatic hypotension).  Each has played into my unfortunate work situation to varying degrees, as have stigmas and assumptions about each.

There are reasources below for each of my illnesses, but also general health and wellness links, chronic illness links, and support resources as I find them.

BP= Bell's Palsy
CFIDS = Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome
CFS = Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
ME = Myalgic Encepholomyelitis (?)
PVF = Post Viral Fatiue


Just found this site, health site with a multitude of communities
Blog posts, discussions, motivational tools
Bell's Palsy

Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying Institute

TIME magazine article (workplace bullying)

Workplace Bullying Epidemic

Bully free at work

ME/CFS Resources
"Where you're never alone"
articles, forum, support, databases for meds, doctors, lawyers
lots of resources, including a list of online communities

Post Viral Fatigue Forum
Seems full of threads about symptoms I've experienced
I'm not sure yet of the difference between PVF and CFIDS

Recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
A doctor who recovered from CFS
Detailed accounts of what worked for him, broken into chapters

Running for ME (blog)
This girl has run multiple half marathons!

Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
Just started looking at this one; topics seem very research focused and posters seem very up to date on CFIDS literature and politics

Bell's Palsy

Bell's Palsy Network (forum)
Excellent forum for newly diagnosed, recovered, and long term sufferers
Blog/weblog section
Fantastic information and advice (such as eye care tips) in posts
Very cool people

Disability Discrimination Stories/Perspectives

Tackling Disability Discrimination (Blog)